Many try to sell us powders, pills, or hidden secrets that promise a quick and easy solution to diabetes. Please do not be fooled.
It angers me when people offer false hope. Often the only “quick and easy” involved is hucksters acquiring our money.
But take heart, just because there may not be a quick and easy way does not mean that there is no way. We can gain victory over diabetes.
The road may be difficult. It will take time and effort. But it is something that is within our grasp. There are simple, but not easy, steps we can take to regain control over this devastating condition.
Each of us is unique. Yet we share a lot in common. As a result, each of our paths will look a little different. At the same time our journeys will share a lot in common. Together we can be stronger and perhaps even a little wiser.
No quick and easy solutions here! All I can offer, in the words of Winston Churchill during a difficult time in modern history, “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat…You ask, what is the aim?…victory, however long and hard the road may be;”
If you want to join me on this journey sign up for the Restoration Nation Update and subscribe to the blog/podcast. You do not have to go it alone!